Professor Steven Zinkle From ORNL/UT visited Institute of Solid State Physics
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Steven Zinkle, fellow of National Academy of Engineering (USA), Governor’s chain professor in University of Tennessee visited the ISSP on May 16th, 2016.
During the visit, the researchers from Lab of Internal Friction and Defect in Solids detailedly introduced development of tungsten material, Fe-Cr ODS steel and nano-multilayer film in experiment and computational simulation at present. Prof. Zinkle discussed in-depth the design and preparation method of above materials with researchers. He also was impressed by the laboratory tour, especially the fabricating facilities and measuring instruments used in the study of nuclear materials. This visit benefits the cooperation with each other in the future.
Prof. Zinkle was the director of the ORNL Materials Science and Technology Division. For the outstanding contributions on nuclear material research, he received U. S. Department of Energy’s 2006 annual Laurence Memorial Award.
Laboratory tour (Image by GAO Rui)
Group photo (Image by GAO Rui)